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Saturday, June 25, 2011

My Soul Delighteth in the Song of the Heart

Once upon a time, I was asked by a guy if I have a boyfriend. The answer is no. And that's what I told him. So his next question was "Do you want to go on a date this weekend?" The answer is yes. I was friends with this boy, and he was pretty nice. Plus, he would make banana bread and cinnamon rolls for my apartment. Definitely a plus. So we went on a date. And it went a little like this:

He picked me up. Not like, off the ground, but he came to my apartment. And knocked on my door. Then we walked to the HFAC to watch the BYU Singers and Concert Choir. I was in choir in high school, and it had been a while since I heard choir music other than MoTab, so I was pretty excited. We got there kinda early, because he wasn't exactly sure if the concert started at 7 or 7:30, but it was all good.

We talked. Because people usually talk on dates. Then the concert started. So we stopped talking. Because people usually do that during concerts. The music was incredible! I had forgotten how beautiful music can actually be. It was a pretty cool experience. The music was so peaceful and calming that I fell asleep. Maybe. To this day, I'm not really sure if I actually fell asleep...or just rested my eyes. It was an accident. I think my date might have "rested his eyes" for a little bit as well. So I don't feel as bad. But I do feel bad.

So the concert ended, and he didn't really plan anything after. But he didn't want to say goodbye just yet, I guess. So guess where we went. The Creamery on 9th (because the vast majority of my dates somehow involve the Creamery...where I work. :) Good thing I like ice cream). So the Creamery was jam packed with people...because a concert just got out. And we didn't really feel like waiting in line. So we bought chocolate instead, and decided to make chocolate mousse.

So we went to his apartment and started making chocolate mousse and his roommates were there playing Snorta (great game, by the way). And we put it in the freezer to let it set. And we had to wait. But we didn't really have anything to do. So we went out to the lobby of his hall, but people were waltzing. So we couldn't stay there. So we went downstairs and played piano for a very short while...but that wasn't too exciting. So we ended up back upstairs in the lobby sitting on the floor eating the chocolate that wasn't used for the mousse. Great activity! :) Then we checked on the mousse and it was kind of set...but not totally congealed (if that's the right word for it). :) But we ate it anyway. Sitting on the floor. It was excellent.

So yep. I'm pretty sure he just walked me home after that. It was good. Possibly too much chocolate...but it was good.

The End.


  1. can I just say how much I love your writing style?! especially when you say things like "he picked me up, not like off the ground"...haha you funny

  2. Haha Ginelle, I love your posts. I can't stop laughing every time that I read them. Such fun memories and good reminders of your dating escapades :)
