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Saturday, January 28, 2012

My success story.

My wonderful brother Dallin got back from his mission about a  month ago.  Ever since, I've basically wanted him to take my roommate on a date. She's super cool, super smart, and pretty much the best cook I know.  Great wife material right there.  But I'm not looking for a wife.  At least not for me.
Anyway, so I went on an adventure to Salt Lake City with two of my roommates and my brother for to see a Catholic Mass. On the way back, we drove past a nice little delicious place called The Chocolate.  My roommate told me I should take her there (because I had been there before. It's fantastic!). But I said no, a boy needs to take you. It's kind of a date place.  And she said "Find me a boy to take me." And my brother chimed in "I'll take you!"  He had to say it a couple times before my roommate actually heard.  But there you have it!  SUCCESS!
So we decided we would go on Friday and double date it up.  Except for one problem.  I have no PIs. (A term Dallin likes to use. He got it from the mission - PI=potential investigator) So my brother continued to try and plan the date, and I continued to not have a date.  Until Thursday.  We decided to ask a coworker to ask me out.  I feel really dumb asking people to ask me out.  That's pretty desperate.  But..Dallin set it up.  So it's all good.  He called Thursday night (after we both already knew about the date) and set it up for the next day.  That night, my roommate and I planned out each others outfits for the date.  I picked out a nice bright yellow Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle shirt with a navy blue leather jacket for my roommate.  She...didn't pick out an outfit for me.  But she told Dallin about my choice of clothes for her and Dallin said he would show up in a luchador mask and a suitcoat.
It's Friday (Friday, gotta get down on Friday. Everybody's looking forward to the weekend, weekend...enough)!  My roommate and I had a couple hours to prep before the date, so my roommate straightened her naturally curly hair for to look HOT.  I made hummus.
We waited in anticipation for our dates to arrive.  And maybe took some pictures of ourselves.  I guess that's what girls like to do or something like that.  We heard a knock on the door.  I let my roommate answer it.  Guess what she found!  I man in a luchador mask and a brown corduroy suitcoat.  Good thing she was wearing her (my) bright yellow TMNT shirt.  Yeah, she looked hot.  Just like she always keeps doing.  After they laughed, she left and changed her shirt while Dallin took off his mask (it messed up his hair) and I laughed with my date.  Off to Wingers!
We went to Wingers next.  I hadn't been to that place for so long!  I love it.  None of us could really decide what we wanted to eat.  But we eventually did, because we got our food.  Also, none of us could finish our meals, thank goodness.  too much food.
So we headed back to BYU to wage a war on winter. was just BYUSA that waged a war on winter.  We participated though.  We danced - Dallin like a ballerina.  And like other stuff too.  We played laser tag.  Which was not nearly as cool in the Wilk as it would have been at Laser Assault.  But whatever, my teeth and eyeballs still glowed in the dark.  And I got to shoot my brother. And roommate.  Multiple times.  My date shot me.  I think his gear was actually for the other team.  Traitor.  Then we danced some more and got our pictures taken in a photobooth.  Then we danced some more and then raced each other on the inflatables.  I lost both times.  Because I'm just too nice to let my opponent lose.  sure.  we'll stick with that.  Then we danced some more.  There were a lot more people at the dance by this time. And I'm a totally a stellar dancer.  I'm like a dance biscuit.  But alas, we had greater plans in mind.  Like The Chocolate. 
I'm doing a weight loss competition with my family, so I only get one treat a week.  I had been saving up for this all week, and I was excited.  I got some cake.  I kind of wanted the flavor "The Husband"...but that might be kind of weird to go up and say "Yeah, I want a husband."  Especially on a first date.  Plus, that was yellow cake and I wanted chocolate.  My date got red velvet cake and Dallin and my roommate (the hot one) got a big ole cookie with ice cream on top.  Which they liked so much they made their very own the next week. Awww, so adorable.  And so full of calories.  Worth it, though.
After the amazing chocolate, we headed back to our apartment.  And played with Nerf Guns.  And refrigerator magnets.  Because that's a fun thing to do sometimes.  But after a while, I could tell my date was tired and it was prime time to take him home.  So I did that.  And came back.  And my roommate and brother were sitting on the kitchen floor talking.  Until 1:15 am.

Overall, super great date!  It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed the people I was with.  Plus, I got to eat awesome food that fed me for the next couple of meals. One word to describe this date?  SUCCESS!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Dating Co-workers - Good or Bad idea?

On Valentine's Day, I didn't have a valentine. I had work. The whole shift, they guys kept disappearing to the back and they wouldn't tell us what was going on. So at the end of the shift, they told us they were trying to plan a group date with our crew at the Creamery. When we were done closing, I went up and got my bags and one of the male coworkers followed me up the stairs. He got down on one knee...and asked me to marry him. No he didn't. He just asked me to go on a date with him that Friday. I told him I'd have to look at my schedule, but most likely that would be fine with me. Then he didn't show up at work after that at all. Turns out he didn't have his social security card or something, so he wasn't allowed to work until he got it, and it was being mailed. So I didn't know if this date was actually happening. But one of the other guys in my crew was still planning it all out. But this guy has Asperger's (a form of autism) so...I still wasn't sure if this date was actually happening.

So it's Friday afternoon, and my "date" is still trying to figure out if he's actually going to be my date tonight or not. He can't contact the guy that was planning it all out. But...earlier I guess we all planned to meet at the Creamery. So we decided we'd just go there and if everyone else was there, we'd go. If not, we'd just...not go on a date. I lived right by the Creamery (and so did my date). So I watched him walk past my window. He didn't pick me up or anything (which is totally fine, because we all agreed just to meet at the Creamery). I just thought it was funny because I watched him walk right past my window.

We all met up at the Creamery (the other two couples were there). The guy that planned out the date (the one with Asperger's) asked if we wanted to say a prayer before heading out. But...we all felt a prayer would be inappropriate for the place and situation we were in. So we headed out to Legend's Grill for dinner. I felt a little bad for my date, because Legend's is a little pricy, and he didn't really have a say in where we were going to eat. And I know he wasn't interested in me, so it's not like he wanted to spend a whole lot of money on me anyway. But we ate and all laughed at how awkward the whole thing was. Because it definitely was pretty awkward.

After dinner, we went to the Planetarium. They had a Harry Potter show, which I'm sure would have been AWESOME but I kind of fell asleep. I swear, no matter how awake and alert I am before I go in the Planetarium, I can never stay awake once the show starts. It's just dark, and I'm comfortable in the reclining chairs...and I'm a sleep deprived college student. So I may have fallen asleep. But I wasn't the only one. So I suppose I feel justified.

When I woke up...or when it ended, our crew headed outside to look at the REAL stars. Just for a lil bit. Then...we were all pretty much done. I think all of us (except the guy who planned it all out) didn't really want to be there. It felt like one big pity group date. Ithink it really would have been more enjoyable if we all just decided to hang out. That would have been more appropriate for the situation than a date. Would have made it a lot less awkward. So...we walked back to the Creamery and just talked for a bit and decided to peace out. So I went home (he didn't walk me home either. my dorm was right across the street). It was still pretty early. So...I watched Lord of the Rings. Alone. With a boy. Good times. :)

Best. Date. Ever. ?

Alright guys, I'm way behind and I've got LOTS of catching up to do. Sorry about that.

So once upon a time I lived in Heritage Halls. Great place for freshman! Occasionally we get some returned missionaries living there. Some of them are ok to ask freshman girls on dates. Some of them stray away. But mostly...sometimes returned missionaries aren't used to dating girls.

So one Sunday evening (like two days after the blind date I went on) I got a knock on my door. It was a boy! It was one of the RM's living in Heritage wanting to take me on a date. To the MTC. :) We planned to make a lil visit to the TRC to pretend to be investigators. He looked at the schedule and we planned to go on Friday. Awesome. I had never been to the TRC. I thought it was kind of an interesting idea for a first date, but I thought it would be cool.

So Friday rolls around, he shows up at my door. We walked to the MTC together and checked in at the front desk. I saw someone from my ward back home, which was pretty cool. I talked to him for a wee bit, then I went with my date to the building for TRC fun. When we got there, they told us they didn't have any English-speaking missionaries signed up for that time. Oops. They told us we could do it in Spanish. I don't speak any at all. He served in Brazil, so he could speak we decided to just go for it and have a little Spanish lesson with the missionaries. So for the next half hour while I waited, I tried to learn as much Spanish as I could while trying to make conversation with my date.

After about a half hour, they asked us to go in the room, and the missionaries came and knocked on our door. They started talking to us in Spanish (they were pretty new, so their Spanish was still pretty rough). My date talked to them, and because their Spanish was pretty basic it wasn't too hard to communicate. I just mostly smiled and nodded and tried to understand what they were saying. When we got to the lesson they were able to teach in English, so everything was fine there. We were supposed to be Buddhists or something according to our paper. But after the first lesson, the guy in charge came in and told us we were not actually supposed to pretend to be Buddhists...I guess we looked at the wrong side of the paper. :) The rest of the lesson went pretty well, I suppose. It was cool to be in the MTC and see how the missionaries learn and stuff. It made my desire to serve a mission even stronger. :)

So after the MTC, we started walking back to Heritage. The whole time he was telling stories from his mission and asking me if I had any mission stories. I've never actually been on a mission, so I didn't have a lot to say or connect with. Mission stories are really cool...but I didn't really know him and I didn't have anything to connect with. So I guess I felt a little awkward. On the way back home, he asked me if I wanted to go to the Creamery. I work there. And go there on most of course I said yes. Because I like ice cream.

It was pretty crowded at the Creamery, so we had a good line to wait in. So guess what we did in line. Told more mission stories! Or...I guess mostly I listened to him tell mission stories. :) We got our ice cream, then he said "'s kind of crowded in here. Do you want to go back to your place?" And I thought to myself, "Nope, someone left their dirty dishes out all over the counter." So...we just went back to the lobby of Wells Hall. After eating ice cream for a while, he said, "Wait, you play the piano, right?" And I thought to myself, "I haven't practiced for like half a year." So...we ended up going to the basement and he had me play the piano. After like a slaughtered song and a half he said, "Do you play hymns?" and I thought to myself, "Yes, I do play hymns. But this has already been kind of a weird date." So...we ended up playing hymns together. He played the right hand and I played the left.

That went on for a while. Then my friend that set me up on a blind date the previous week came down the stairs. He saw me and said, "Hey Ginelle! So what did you think of (name of his friend I went on a blind date with)?!" And I thought to myself, "I'm on a date right now...I probably shouldn't be talking about other dates. I feel awkward again." So...I said, " He was really nice and he seemed pretty cool. Why?" And he said, " He was basically infatuated with you. He kept talking about you like all night." This made me laugh a lot. My date was just like..."" So when he left we kept playing hymns for a wee bit. Then he said, "Oh! I have a video I just loaded on my phone I want you to watch." And I thought to myself, "Cool." And he showed me a seminary video of all the Stakes the have been organized around the world throughout the course of the time. It was a good video, but it really had nothing to do with what we were doing or talking about. Except...well, I guess missionary work. Which is pretty much all we were talking about. Then when the movie was over, he said, "Hey, do you want to see my mission pictures?" And I thought to myself, "uhhhhhhhhhhhh..." So of course we looked through all his mission pictures and he told me the stories behind all of them.

After we went through all his mission pictures, he looked at the time and said "Well, we should probably go. I've got some homework to do." And I thought to myself, "yep." So he walked my up the stairs to the door of my apartment, shook my hand, and walked away. And I went inside and told my roommates about my date.

It was just funny how "BYU" this date was. My date is a really good guy. He was still adjusting to getting back from his mission. I can tell he loved serving his mission, and he had a lot of cool experiences. He wasn't telling me his mission stories because he wanted to "impress me with his spirit" or anything. He just really enjoyed the work, and it was something he loved to share with others. I really do like mission stories, and I love missionary work! I plan to serve a mission someday. I just felt a little weird on the date, because I felt like I didn't have much to contribute to the conversation. And it was very missionary-oriented, to an extreme. Which is why I'm glad we're counseled to have "moderation in all things." Except sin.

That is all.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Blinded by the Light

I'm almost positive that this was my first blind date. I went on lots of dates with people I didn't know too well (almost blind) but no completely blind dates. I had been asked to go on one a couple days prior to this one, but I couldn't make it.
So my friend set me up to go on a date with one of his buddies from Idaho. He had two friends coming down and wanted to have a triple date. So we had three girls from Wells Hall and three guys from Idaho, and the whole night (until visiting hours were up) for romancing. or something like that.
My friend had me meet my date the night before. He popped over to say hello, and I was cooking something. So I probably looked super hot in my apron ;) The guy was nice. Yep. Nothing too exciting.
So the next day I had work. Then I got home. Then I had the date with the blind boy...or sorry, the blind date with the boy. I got ready real fast and waited. And he came to the door. With his friend. And I left my apartment. To go on the date. With the two other couples. Yep. Nothing too exciting.
We walked on down to the SWKT to penny golf. For those of you that don't know what penny golfing is, it's an activity in which you hold a penny over the edge of a huge stairwell (is that the right word for it?) and see how many floors it will go down. Pretty sure the SWKT has the only set of stairs that this game is good for. :) The objective is to get the penny down to the bottom floor with the least amount of drops. I had never done this before. Yeah, actually I had never been on the staircase of the SWKT before. I didn't have any classes there. But anyway, we walked up a couple flights of stairs...and took the elevator up the rest. We all took turns dropping our pennies over the edge and awkwardly trying to make conversation. My date was a huge basketball fan, so we talked about Jimmer. Because I'm a huge Jimmer fan. Well...not that huge but I like him a lot. We talked about... . . . not a whole lot else. :)
We made it down to the bottom floor, and I hadn't found my penny anywhere on the staircase. I was hoping it had just gone all the way to the bottom, but I didn't find it there either. So we got a new one, took the elevator up, and we all took turns dropping pennies again. We finished the second round, and decided to do a third and final round girls v. boys style. So I plotted with the two other girls and we decided to pretend to the drop the penny...but not actually drop it. Until we got to the very bottom. Then we would conveniently "find" that it had made it all the way to the bottom in one turn and we would dominate. Genius, right? :) So the first girl did it, as planned. But when I went to drop my penny, everyone was quiet and watching. So I kind of had no choice, and I had to drop it. But luckily it actually did go all the way to the very bottom. So I felt SUPER cool! Girls definitely won that round....even if we kind of cheated.
After penny golfing, we ate ice cream. At the Creamery (my favorite place). Then we went to the guy's apartment and played some games. And drew some pictures. My date drew a pretty (funny looking) picture of me and Jimmer. Oh so cute :) Then visiting hours were up, so we said goodnight and goodbye.

Epilogue: See next date for details.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Um, can I open the door for YOU?

So the day after I went on the almost curling date, I was asked on another date. SCORE! We were planning to go bowling with another couple, and yeah that's a pretty typical freshman date, but I was pretty excited. I had work right before, but I rushed home and got ready real fast and nervously waited for him to come. (Why was I nervous? Shouldn't I be used to this dating thing?) I think I tried to work on my Sunday School lesson or something to calm me down.

When he showed up, he was on crutches. What? When did this happen? He had hurt his knee playing basketball earlier (like weeks or months(?) earlier), but I thought he was better from that. But he explained to me that he played some bball that day and busted up his knee again. No good. I felt really bad when he tried to open the door for me, because he was a little gimpy. :) So I offered to open the door for him instead. I don't get that opportunity very often.

So obviously, we weren't going bowling. So once again, Plan A wasn't going to work out. So instead, they had set up a projector in the kitchen of their apartment, and hung a white sheet (with butterflies on the edges) on their kitchen wall. It was a pretty nice setup. :)

We watched Toy Story 3 and talked about little kids toys and stuff and things were fine and dandy until the DVD started skipping and stopping and spazzing out. We took an ice cream break while one of the guys tried to figure out the problem with the movie. He got ice cream NOT from the Creamery, because he knew I worked there. He's a thinker. :)

Yeah, the movie didn't ever start working again. So instead we played some games, like Monopoly Deal (WAY shorter than Monopoly). And we lost. And we watched some Sn0wSh0w videos, because they were supposed to be cool. :) And yeah. I think that's pretty much all we did. So yep. It wasn't a super extravagant date, but I had a lot of fun.

Stressed spelled backwards is DESSERTS

Okay, so I guess this wasn't a first date, but I thought it would be worth telling the story. And plus, it was one of the first 50 dates at BYU, so it totally counts.

Anyway. So this guy calls me up to ask me out and leaves a message. So I called him back, but he didn't pick up so I left a message. Pretty sure that happened a couple times. Usually, that's what happens when we call each other. So he asked me to go curling with him in Kearns, UT. I don't think I had ever been to Kearns. And I KNOW I had never been curling. So it sounded like an awesome adventure.

So he picked me up on a Friday night, and we meet the other couple in the car, and we head out to Kearns. We passed like five 7-Eleven's on the way. No, actually the driver got lost. A couple times. So maybe we only passed like two. But I swear, they were all over the place. So as I previously mentioned, the driver got lost a couple times so the car ride was longer than we had anticipated. Which meant we were LATE for our curling (for those of you that may not know what curling is, it's an Olympic sport on the ice. Look it up. It's not like curling your hair. But I think that could also be a fun activity.) lessons.

We decided to go inside anyway to check it out. We asked the lady at the front desk if it would be worth it to even try curling after we hadn't learned how :) She said we'd probably be a bit behind, but we could go try it out. So we walked in to the ice rink center place. I'm not really sure what to call the general area - it had a race track, and ice rink, and a different ice rink INSIDE the ice rink. So our little curling party was in the very middle of this whole place. So we walked on the track, totally oblivious to what was going on around us. So when we looked to the left, we found a nice little surprise called A RACE. We were totally standing in the way. So instead of getting off the track and out of the way, we decided to hop over the little wall and go on the ice rink, where people were skating and screaming while trying not to crash into us. We walked across the ice rink (in our regular shoes) to the inner ice rink, where the curling was supposed to take place. And we found a staircase (that we were supposed to take) that led down under the race track and the ice rink we weren't supposed to cross. So we felt pretty dumb.

So curling. We looked around and there were a lot of people speaking in sign language. I'm quite positive that several people there were deaf. So we couldn't really talk to them. So we moved on to Plan B. We went back to the front office (we took the stairs this time) and my date tried to figure out what to do. He suggested that we go to Wal*Mart and have a stuff so we can make desserts. Because that's my idea of a party. So we headed to Wal*Mart. And my date said he's scared of ice anyway...(then why would he ask me to go chill on the ice with him on a date? Whatevs.) :)

So at good 'ole Wal*Mart, each couple was given an item they had to get, and they had to plan a dessert that would include that item. Me and my date had to use strawberries, and the other couple had to include cinnamon. So we bought strawberries. And sugar. And that's it. so we could make CREPES! good thing i'm a good thinker. :) The other couple bought cinnamon gum. good thing they're good thinkers too. They also bought cinnamon Pillsbury ones from a can.

We headed back to Provo to his apartment and I made crepes. I tried to flip them in the air to turn them over, because that looks super cool. And it's fun....if you can do it. It worked a couple of times.

Then we ate the food. And he walked me home. And it turned out to be a pretty good Plan B. I guess if he was scared of ice, it could have been an answer to his prayers. The end.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

My Soul Delighteth in the Song of the Heart

Once upon a time, I was asked by a guy if I have a boyfriend. The answer is no. And that's what I told him. So his next question was "Do you want to go on a date this weekend?" The answer is yes. I was friends with this boy, and he was pretty nice. Plus, he would make banana bread and cinnamon rolls for my apartment. Definitely a plus. So we went on a date. And it went a little like this:

He picked me up. Not like, off the ground, but he came to my apartment. And knocked on my door. Then we walked to the HFAC to watch the BYU Singers and Concert Choir. I was in choir in high school, and it had been a while since I heard choir music other than MoTab, so I was pretty excited. We got there kinda early, because he wasn't exactly sure if the concert started at 7 or 7:30, but it was all good.

We talked. Because people usually talk on dates. Then the concert started. So we stopped talking. Because people usually do that during concerts. The music was incredible! I had forgotten how beautiful music can actually be. It was a pretty cool experience. The music was so peaceful and calming that I fell asleep. Maybe. To this day, I'm not really sure if I actually fell asleep...or just rested my eyes. It was an accident. I think my date might have "rested his eyes" for a little bit as well. So I don't feel as bad. But I do feel bad.

So the concert ended, and he didn't really plan anything after. But he didn't want to say goodbye just yet, I guess. So guess where we went. The Creamery on 9th (because the vast majority of my dates somehow involve the Creamery...where I work. :) Good thing I like ice cream). So the Creamery was jam packed with people...because a concert just got out. And we didn't really feel like waiting in line. So we bought chocolate instead, and decided to make chocolate mousse.

So we went to his apartment and started making chocolate mousse and his roommates were there playing Snorta (great game, by the way). And we put it in the freezer to let it set. And we had to wait. But we didn't really have anything to do. So we went out to the lobby of his hall, but people were waltzing. So we couldn't stay there. So we went downstairs and played piano for a very short while...but that wasn't too exciting. So we ended up back upstairs in the lobby sitting on the floor eating the chocolate that wasn't used for the mousse. Great activity! :) Then we checked on the mousse and it was kind of set...but not totally congealed (if that's the right word for it). :) But we ate it anyway. Sitting on the floor. It was excellent.

So yep. I'm pretty sure he just walked me home after that. It was good. Possibly too much chocolate...but it was good.

The End.